Thursday, 29 September 2011

Splash and Dash

Got a call that my mother was going to be in the area but with only a short while to be able to join her I decided to double my annual number of bike rides of the last few years and 'cycle down to the coast to see her.

Surprisingly, a few pumps saw the tyres at full pressure and everything else seemed in order. Before too long I was sitting with my mother and a fellow painter friend of hers outside a natty little beach hut. It was a very hot day and the sun was dazzlingly reflected off the metalic-looking sea, but it was pleasant sitting under a sun shade with some slices of cake and a cup of tea.

Having put the world to rights and helped a little with the Telegraph cryptic, I wandered along to Splash Point to see if there were any avian activities of note. It was quite sad to see the tiny ledges of the cliff devoid of the frantic busy life the Kittiwakes had brought to it earlier in the year, but amongst the Herring Gulls dotted about the weed strewn low-tide rocks was a nice Grey Heron which was some compensation.

Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) in Isny im Allgäu, ...Image via Wikipedia

The ride home was made a little tedious by the tendancy of the saddle to suddenly tip backwards but I had taken the precaution of bringing a spanner with me and eventually brought it back under control. As usual I am now thinking "I really should keep the riding up"...but I probably won't.
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