Friday, 2 December 2011

Oregon and Airships

 Four for games this week on a very wet Thursday evening. First choice of another run at the recent bargain purchases was Oregon.

I remained a solid last throughout, although the scores were reasonably close. I never managed even one 5 point bonus for groups of farmers and missed out on a lot of gold mining.

Maybe I didn't play well but the old whinger in me wants to blame the fact I never had the cards to do what I really wanted to, or MaOldie or ProfMudlark grabbed the spot I had identified as ideal before it was my turn again.

Oregon was followed by Airships, which previous plays had indicated was more of a filler, albeit an enjoyable one.

Four players slowed it considerably though and one game filled the rest of the evening, although we ended before midnight for once.

I had a pretty solid game this time and was definitely challenging for the win when MaOldie chose to finish the game while she was in the lead.

The scores were MaOldie on 19 followed by me on 16 but attempting to substantially increase that by finishing off the Hindenburg and taking all of its spaces. I think Crabro and the Prof. had 12 and 10 respectively.

Unlike Oregon I can't identify anything I particularly did wrong and I don't mind losing as long as I feel I was competitive. I enjoyed this a lot in fact and MaOldie definitely deserved the win.

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