Friday, 1 June 2012

Like 'Buses...

It seems, you wait ages for a Trajan victory and then two come along together. Not, as you know, that I care much about the winning. It's the playing that's fun for me not the result...but...
having said that...
it was quite satisfying to beat Crabro, MaOldie and ProfMudlark at a game I have so much respect for, on Thursday games night.

I'm not sure what I did right this time but if there was any overall strategy going on, it was simply to maximise the point scoring by trying to get some "ViPs" out of every turn. Whatever happened, it worked and I was well chuffed.

Just as we had the week before, we followed all that concentration with Flutter: a much lighter game...and just to add to the happiness quotient the Prof. had his first win at his favourite game. I think I was last, barely managing to improve on my starting money.

Still I was happy enough with the Trajan win... :-)

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