Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Sometimes sanity is not enough

Caprice's player board and sanity indicator
Don't read anything into the fact that I keep playing damaged women. Yes, another Tuesday games day dedicated to an epic game of Android. This time we returned to our first choices of investigators to see if our greater understanding of the game would mean we played them differently. I think we did, but in my case I possibly still strove too hard to maintain Caprice's sanity, to the exclusion of wider movement and following leads. Crabro, playing one-plot Raymond again, got stuck into fitting up his suspect with gusto and eventually it sank in that I wasn't going to be able to recover the situation. Caprice remained outrageously sane though, and this meant that she got full benefit from her plot points. Unfortunately Raymond's single plot provided the same number of points (14). When scoring, Crabro removed all the points from my own suspect with great glee. Apparently they were all the same value and therefore all equal to highest/lowest in strong and weak areas of evidence at the point where these are removed during scoring. We both saw our innocent hunches proved correct. Raymond's rocketing round the board with dropships paid off while Caprice not only never left Earth but mostly hung around the Levy University area. At least she succeeded in obtaining all the favours of Daniel (the love of her life) and several 3 point Jinteki tokens. As usual I didn't get much out of the conspiracy theories. End result: another absorbing narrative experience, but this time a win for Crabro by 38 points to 34...unless he unearths another rule which overturns this later, as before.

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