Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Railways and Rondels

Tuesday games this week were repeats of last week: Steam Barons and Hamburgum. I felt I played Barons much better this week and indeed ended a bit perplexed as to why I lost. The scores were something like 145 to 120, so not a dreadful thrashing but I ended the game with slightly poorer shares but more of them so despite what Crabro believed it wasn't really down to a brilliant final move. Still, it's not like me to dwell on these things and it was another undeniably good win by Crabro.

I mention my perplexity at why I lost though, also because it was the theme of the day. Having played Hamburgum on Thursday and got a taste for "Mac" Gerdts' rondel games again I enjoyed another chance of a crack at it. Once again I ended with that strange feeling of not knowing why I'd lost. I'm no stranger to losing but can normally put my finger on why. This time it was not just why I lost but why I lost by such a vast margin. As a two-player played by people familiar with the rules we played it at a breathless pace however without too much analysis during the game. Maybe it was just too quick for contrast with the occasionally long bouts of Analysis Paralysis that I found myself uncharacteristically prone to in the earlier game of Barons...which I also lost. Sigh. A far cry from my three out of three last week.

Anyway no use whinging (er...isn't that what this is supposed to be about? Ed.) they were both games I really like anyway so a very good day's gaming.
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