Sunday, 19 February 2012

The Rondel Comes Round Again

The first Saturday games session for quite a while and we had decided to play Mac Gerdts' "Hamburgum" again while the rules were fresh in my mind.

After an excellent meal as always there, a quick refresher of the rules and we were off, in a fairly fast-paced game on the Londinium map.

After initially following my lead (not really advised given my record of recent losses) the strategies began to diverge and it was only in the final scoring that it became clear that while I had gone ahead in in-game scoring closely followed by paultro's partner, he and his brother had a lot of scoring to add on at the end of the game. I had a few more points to go on and eventually I just caught sitro for a tied first place, paultro and missis were only a few spaces behind. A very close game and most enjoyable.

English: photo of the game box
Image via Wikipedia
As it had been quite a quick-paced game we had time for a filler or two and ended up playing a couple of games of old favourite "Guillotine". Sitro won the first of these by a considerable margin but I managed to get ahead and kill the game off in the second, giving me a rare and welcome win to finish the week.

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