Saturday, 21 April 2012

Comuni and chips

Fish and chips, a popular take-away food of th...
Fish and chips, a popular take-away food of the United Kingdom. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We were four for games this Thursday, and actually only three for a little while as ProfMudlark arrived fresh from tinkering with the clockwork of the universe and, having sought advice on the area's gourmet meccas, set off to the local chippy for sustenance.

Meanwhile MaOldie taught Crabro and me how to play 24/7: The Game, which has very nice Bakelite(?) tiles and red glass stones. I was amazed to find, since it is purely maths based, that I won by a good margin. Naturally we were under no illusions about how we would fare against the hungry prof. and his mathematical planet-sized brain. Sure enough, while polishing off huss and chips, he trounced us all, with me getting my come-uppance in last.

This was followed by a rather chaotic game of Comuni, at least the start was chaotic because despite having played it before, we had forgotten the rules. Various heated debates broke out and eventually Crabro dismissed me to the office, ordering me to boot up this PC and look up the mythical FAQ to clarify a critical point. Meanwhile he simply looked up the answer himself on his iPhone which was connected to the same WiFi. It was all beginning to feel a little tense, however, it is a game we all like, I think. I had clearly forgotten how to play it though, and picked up a lot of plunder (minus) points which is something I don't remember doing to any great extent in previous plays.

On the last turn I had plenty of military (black) cubes but by then it was far too late and I came third out of four. I believe Crabro won from the Prof, with it having been very close indeed between all four of us before bonus and malus were applied.

I think it was MaOldie who said we should play it again before we forget the rules again, and I would agree with that. A very good game...very badly played.
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