Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Grumbletrousercon 2012

Most of the last week was taken up with a visit from an old friend and ex-room-mate: "Grumbletweezer".

As usual on his annual Spring visit he brought with him a number of games and his bicycle, so we went out for my annual short ride, just to show we did get some healthy exercise, and having got that out of the way we spent the rest of the days playing board games and co-operative video games, watching films and documentaries, eating and drinking. Being Easter, the eating included chocolate and hot cross bun and Grumbletweezer conceived the genius notion of combing bun with bacon. Delicious! While out on our bike ride we managed a little birding, although the tide was well in and there were few of our feathered quarry about. We saw a few of the resident kittiwakes at Splash Point and among the usual suspects also came across a linnet, skylark and a surprised yellowhammer who hopped out into the open on a bush right in front of me.

The board games were Memoir '44, Dungeons and Dragons: Legend of Nerath (kindly hosted by the Goldstone Gamers who also fed us royally), Sid Meier's Civilisation, War of the Ring, Incursion and Wizard's Quest. Grumbletweezer likes games of the type he describes as "Dudes on a map".

The video games were Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Lego Star Wars and much hilarity was had as we tried to co-operatively win a podrace fueled by unacustomed amounts of le plonk blonk.

Since I often indicate how well or badly I do at these games: I won both sides of the Memoir scenario, won one (shortened version) of Sid's Civ, was on the losing team at Nerath with Saharasweeper against Paultro and Grumbs, won one each of our two games of Incursion and of War of the Ring and lost the final game: Wizard's Quest.

These annual visits always go ridiculously quickly and serve to remind me what fun we might be sharing if we didn't nowadays live 200 miles apart.

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