Saturday, 31 March 2012

A Bit of Light Birding

Earlier on Friday I took advantage of the Spring sunshine for some birding. Quite honestly I'm not really ready to fledge and take wing on my own but as my mentor is birding in the West Country at present I thought I would try to avoid getting totally rusty.

It turned out that the heat I encountered in the sheletered streets on route to the coast was lulling me into a false sense of security and once by the sea it quickly became clear that it wasn't a great day to be birding after all. The sun was sparkling off a relatively calm blue sea but there was a chill Easterly wind which cut through like a knife.

I spent a few minutes at the noisy and boisterous Splash Point kittiwake colony on the cliffs and also spotted  a couple of Mediterranean gulls bobbing in a crowd of kittiwakes out on the sea. As the bare hands holding the binoculars began to hurt in the cold breeze though, I decided that it was probably time for a cup of tea.
Kittiwake with two young chicks in it's nest.
Kittiwake with two young chicks in its nest. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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